She goes the extra mile to help husband with MS

Kriste Vickers decided to become a nurse practitioner to help support her husband with multiple sclerosis and their family.
“I was perfectly happy just being a registered nurse and doing my thing. I always wanted to be a nurse practitioner, but never thought I’d go back to school to achieve that.
“My motivations are different now. My husband was diagnosed with MS two years ago. He was having some issues with his vision. When they did an MRI of his brain, they found some lesions. The location impacts the cognitive part of the brain, so he forgets things. He doesn’t have a whole lot of functional limitations right now, which is good. He is able to work full time, plus he’s a full-time pastor.
“But with MS, you never know when something could strike and render you functionally disabled. That’s very scary, for him and for us. It’s why I returned to school for my nurse practitioner. That way, if I had to take care of our family, I could.
“Right now, I still work full time while taking a full caseload. It’s tough. I have my moments when I kind of want a break. I guess it’s my perseverance, my faith, my love for him and my family that pushes me through.
“Our four kids are doing great with it. They all have stepped up. The two oldest, especially, are a lot of help. They’re both in college as well. Who would have thought the three of us would be in school at the same time? It’s kind of strange, but that’s where life has taken us.”
— Kriste Vickers, 41