Domestic abuse call sticks with 911 dispatcher

Nancy Worley portrait photo

Nancy Worley deals with some challenging calls as a 911 dispatcher for City of Baytown.

“I’ve handled so many 911 calls through the years, they tend to blur together. But I guess there’s one that really stands out from when I first started working here.

“A child called. I think she was 6 years old. She said that her daddy was beating her mama. She was crying and just kept saying, ‘Please, please. No, daddy. No, daddy.’ At the time I couldn’t help but think of my daughter, who was just a little younger than that.

“We sent our folks out there, and they were able to help her. But that’s one of those calls where when it’s done, you end up going in the bathroom and crying for a few minutes. It’s unfortunate, but we still get a lot of those kinds of calls.”

— Nancy Worley



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