‘Chicken boy’ has the last laugh on Thanksgiving

Drawing of turkeys

To help get you in the Thanksgiving spirit, here’s something a little different from Shona Saunders, mom to Ethan (9) and Eli (4).

“I’ve always been a storyteller and I love to write. I was trying to make this one a positive story, but it turned out kind of scary. My kids like scary stuff, so I thought they would get a kick out of it.”


Once upon a time, there was a turkey named Terry. He lived on a farm.
Terry was a quiet guy. He was a little bit shy, and he was sad a lot. Sometimes Terry was even mad.

“Why are you so mad, Terry?” his mom asked.
“Because I don’t have any feathers. I want feathers. All the cool kids have feathers,” Terry yelled as he flapped his wings.

His mom was sad for Terry. She wished that he could see the happiness around the farm.

One day Terry went to school, and his friends teased him. They called him chicken.

“You look like a chicken. You’ll never have pretty feathers, chicken boy,” they taunted.

Terry ran home to his mom and told her what happened.
“Don’t worry, Terry. The Choosing is coming. Looking like a chicken will be a very good thing for you,” she said.
“What’s The Choosing?” Terry asked.
“It’s where the farmer comes to the pen, and he chooses the prettiest turkey to take to the Blood House,” his mom whispered.
“What? No!” Terry cried.

The next day at school the turkeys teased Terry again. But this time he did something he hadn’t done in a long time. He smiled.
“I’m glad I look like a chicken and I’m glad that you have pretty feathers. I’ll never tell you why, but you’ll find out soon enough. Choosing Day is coming,” Terry said.

And then he laughed.



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