Career plans take a turn to something familiar

Jessica Adefisayo is studying outside at Lee College

Jessica Adefisayo is studying process technology at Lee College.

“I graduated from the University of Colorado. I majored in political science and minored in sociology. I thought I would be going to law school. I tried to prepare for the LSAT, but it just didn’t seem feasible at the time. I have two little girls, which made it really difficult trying to study and focus. Plus, my husband was always working, so it was just me with the kids most of the time. It was just a whole bunch of life.

“At first, I had some regrets. I wished that some things were different. But now I’m studying equipment and instrumentation, learning how to become an operator in one of the local plants. It’s all really interesting to me. I like to know how things work. The way this program is set up allows me to dig deep into the processes and how every detail is so important.

“My dad worked in a plant in Colorado, and I remember going to work with him when I was little. I used to tell him I was going to do something like this one day. He would say, ‘No. You need to get a nice little job and work in an office.’ But I’m kind of like a tomboy, and I knew from a young age that I wanted to work with my hands. Although I didn’t pursue it at first, I’m happy things have worked out the way they have.”

— Jessica Adefisayo


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