Taking a positive approach to life’s twists, turns

William Chow stands at a park

“I worked in health care for 12 or 13 years doing hyperbaric medicine. I finally got tired of that, and I decided it was time for a change. I went back to school, thinking I’d get a nursing degree. When I learned that my earlier college credits were too old, I had to completely start over. So I did all my prerequisites again, and then I decided the four-year commitment with two young kids and a wife was more than I wanted to take on.

“Now I’m doing pest control. It started as part time for a friend. But I enjoy it, and I’m trying to help grow the business.

“Looking back, I have no regrets. God has a plan, right? Anytime you think you know what’s going to happen, life kind of throws you for a loop. I’m OK with that, though. Ultimately, everything that’s happened in my life has made me the person that I am today.”

— William Chow


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