Local poetry community making itself heard

Members of Dirty Bay Poetry sit on a bench

Dirty Bay Poetry has published several anthologies of local poets’ work.

“I started writing poetry in third grade. There was this writing competition at school, and I won first in state. But growing up, I didn’t think there were other poets around here because there really wasn’t a place in Baytown where we could get together.

“I started Dirty Bay Poetry in 2015. I performed on open mic nights at Cork Grinders, and I got a small group of people to come perform with me. Slowly we’ve been building. We’ve published two anthologies of local poets’ work. I think we represent the poetry community here very well.

“But with Cork Grinders recently closing, we’ve lost our home. We’re trying to find a new place that is willing to host poets on a consistent basis. If not, I’m worried that our local poetry community will start to diminish. I really don’t want to see that happen.”

— EmmaLee Newman


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