In divisive country, he plans to practice tolerance

Joe Montemayor sits at his office desk

A retired U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent, Joe Montemayor advises people on immigration issues.

“Now it appears to be politically incorrect to be proud of one’s heritage. I’ve never known this country to be so divisive that now, in the eyes of certain people, it is not OK to take pride in one’s ethnicity.

“Have we really come to that point? If so, it’s sad. People should be able to take pride in who they are. Because of this last election, I think we’ve gotten to the point where instead of looking into the hearts of people, we’re looking at the color of their skin or at their heritage to try to determine what type of person they are.

“We need to understand that with all that’s said and all that’s done, we’re all Americans. Everyone wants a fair break. Everyone wants an even chance. So I, for one, am going to try to practice tolerance.”

— Joe Montemayor


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