Life experiences help make her a better counselor

Micki Rios sits in her office at church

Micki Rios draws on experience as a school teacher, including her role as a family involvement coordinator.

“I don’t think you can be a counselor and not draw on your own life experiences. At least, I couldn’t.

“I grew up in a dysfunctional home in a military family. I’ve had a daughter who was very ill. I’ve had all of the things that everybody ever has, and I’ve been very fortunate. I’ve had people to talk to along the way. When you don’t have that — and lots of people don’t — then that’s where the real issues come in, because you don’t know where to put all that stuff.

“It’s important for everybody to have someone to turn to. I happen to be married to probably one of the most intelligent, most humble, most loving people that I’ve ever met. It’s helpful to have that in your life. When you don’t, it can be a very dark place.”

— Micki Rios

A deacon at Trinity Episcopal Church in Baytown, Micki counsels congregation members as well as people in the community.

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