He gets his ‘jollies and kicks’ from Baytown history

Russell Hamman stands in front of historic Baytown photos

Russell Hamman stands in front of historic photos of Baytown at Sterling Municipal Library.

“I was born and raised in Baytown. When I look back on my teenage years, I think about Texas Avenue. The movies I saw. Hanging out with my buddies. Checking out the pretty girls driving by. It was like ‘American Graffiti’ via Baytown.

“But when I was 16, if you would have told me that when I’m 52 I’d get my jollies and my kicks from Baytown history, I would have told you to put a bullet in me. I’m glad nobody did. I just have a passion for my hometown and its history.

“I didn’t do all that well in school, but I could have. The teachers always said I was bright enough. I was just too busy being a hippie and all that entailed.

“But my love for history started in high school. There was a teacher, Joe Herzik, and he made it fun. I have this fascination with it now. I think Baytown history is so cool. I don’t know how else to put it.

“Working on my site, I learn something new every day. And I’ve found that if you make it fun, cool and interesting, folks will tend to remember it more.”

— Russell Hamman

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