Lifetime pattern finally takes mirror twins’ lives

Ben Davis managed to outlive his twin brothers.
“I had twin older brothers. They were mirror twins. One was right-handed and the other was left-handed. Throughout their lives, whatever happened to one always seemed to happen to the other. Every time Victor would break a bone or something, Vernis would, too. There were seven different times that happened growing up.
“Then, two years ago, Vernis was crossing the street using his walker up in Nacogdoches. Some guy cut out through the center lane to pass. He hit Vernis and knocked him 86 feet in the air. He was killed instantly.
“I was telling a friend of mine about it. I said, ‘The only thing now is we know what’s going to happen to Victor.’ He said, ‘Man, don’t say that. That kind of thing just doesn’t happen.’
“Well, six months later, Victor was crossing the street in Friendswood. He stopped and turned around to say something to this guy. So he wasn’t looking when this car going about 70 miles an hour hit him and knocked him several hundred feet down the road. It killed him.
“I’m 75 now. Victor died two weeks after he turned 75. But Vernis never made it to his 75th birthday.”
— Ben Davis
Retired after doing heavy rigging and ironwork for 57 years, Ben has survived open-heart surgery and a coma. “I’ve had good luck all my life. I don’t know how to explain it.”