Five children help keep them together for 57 years

Linda and George Siple walking at the park

Linda and George Siple enjoy walking at Roseland Park.

“We met in high school and dated for about two years before we got married. We’ve been together now for 57 years.”

What’s your secret to such a long marriage?
“Well, we had five children. That kind of binds you together.”

“Besides that, I don’t think anybody would have anything to do with me but her.”

“He’s a moody dude. He can’t help it.”

“And she’s mean.”

Moody and mean? Really?
“Oh, she’s not mean. Neither one of us is mean.”

“And we’re good people. We’ve got all those kids and we’ve got grandchildren in this area. It’s just a good life, you know?”

— Linda and George Siple


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