Anime, manga lover at peace with her ‘weirdness’

Jennifer Challenger at work“I’m more accepting of my own weirdness these days. That wasn’t the case when I was younger.

“When I was a kid, no one talked about watching anime. No one talked about the video games I liked. No one talked about reading manga or reading Japanese comics. I just felt like, ‘Oh, I’m so weird. Why don’t I have very many friends who like this stuff? OK, I’ll just read it by myself.’

“When I was in elementary school, I remember waking up at 5 a.m. to watch ‘Sailor Moon.’ In junior high, I really got into the video games, comics, manga, stuff like that. But I was pretty shy about it.

“Nowadays, thankfully, it’s more mainstream to have that type of hobby. It’s OK to like that kind of stuff, so that’s cool. And that stuff is paying my rent now, too. I guess I’m feeling more at peace with the weirdness.”

— Jennifer Challenger

Jennifer is a translator at a company that deals with anime. She translates shows from Japanese to English, and she answers questions about translations or untranslated text and speech. She also helps with pronunciation and culture questions for shows the company works on.


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