Geocaching keeps this retiree pretty busy

Jack Burns looks up a tree

Jack Burns searches a tree for a cache at Jenkins Park in Baytown.

He looked up. He looked down. He looked all around. And he seemed a bit confused.

I figured he must have spotted a baby bird or some other small creature, then lost track of it.

Wrong. He’s a geocacher who couldn’t locate his target.

“I’ve been geocaching since 2009. My son got me started, but now he’s kind of quit. I retired, so I’ve just kept going.

“It takes you places you normally wouldn’t go. Like I probably wouldn’t come to Baytown very often. Now I’ve been here three times just geocaching.

“There are about 3 million caches all over the world. My wife is handicapped, so we can’t go very far. But we’ve been to various cities in Texas. Sometimes groups of us meet up and cache together. I’m 69 now, so it keeps me busy.”

What’s been your most challenging cache?
“They’re the most challenging when you can’t find them. I do have problems sometimes, like with this one. I drove all the way down here. I’m not leaving until I find it.”

— Jack Burns

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