Foster animals survive Hurricane Harvey scare

White dog on a leash

This beautiful foster dog made it through Hurricane Harvey.

Hurricane Harvey wasn’t picky when he came charging through Texas this past week. Many homes across the area were impacted, including those belonging to foster families caring for cats and dogs saved by A Life to Live.

Early Tuesday morning, Deanna Domingue discovered a mess in the bathroom of her Pasadena home. Roof leaks led to a ceiling cave-in.

“I was feeling devastated, overwhelmed and a bit broken-spirited. But I knew that I still had it better than a lot of others. My house did not flood. I still had food and a roof over my head,” she said.

She also had the companionship of her five pets, including foster dogs, Sasha and Ceres. “The girls were champs throughout the whole thing,” Deanna said.

Deanna Domingue

Along with her personal pets — dog Prim and cats Callie and Isis — they handled the storm quite well and are doing fine.

After co-workers helped to cover the affected portions of her roof, Deanna found time to buy diapers for a local people shelter, and she gathered blankets to donate to Baytown Animal Shelter and other area shelters.

With the storm behind us and recovery underway, A Life to Live continues working to save the lives of local animals. Check out available adoptable pets.

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