He’s a competitor, and he doesn’t like losing

Tom Shelby and friends at a pool tournament in Las Vegas

Tom Shelby (left) with his friends at a pool tournament in Las Vegas.

“I enjoy playing all kinds of things, like tennis and chess. But I wanted to choose one and be decent at it. So I chose pool. I started playing when I was 14 at a place in Highlands called Pop’s Highlander Club. The owner used to sit in a recliner, and he had one or two pool tables downstairs. It was just a nickel or dime a game. I got hooked on it. Being able to make a white, round object do what you want it to do, there’s nothing like it.”

Are you pretty competitive?
“Oh, yeah. I hate to lose. I don’t care what it is: tiddlywinks, mumbledypeg, pool. I don’t like losing.”

Why is that?
“I’ve always been a little guy. Because of that, I’ve always felt like I had to struggle to be on par with other folks. So I have to work at it more. It moves me.”

— Tom Shelby

Through the years, Tom’s hobby has taken him to Las Vegas, New York, Toronto and other cities as a pool tournament participant and referee.


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