Reiki teacher draws on nursing experience

Ralph Zamarron draws on his nursing background to help people.

Ralph Zamarron is a Reiki master teacher and certified hypnotherapist.

“I was an LVN when I got out of the Navy, then I became a registered nurse in 1979. After working in the neonatal unit at Texas Children’s Hospital, I got a chance to work in the ER. People came in with all sorts of things, from being really sick to trauma. That’s where I really started doing down-to-the-core nursing.

“I took early retirement in 2015, but I guess I’ve carried that same desire to help people into my Reiki and hypnosis. I like to help people who are feeling stressed or in pain. I’m not a doctor and I’m not here to diagnose, but I do what I can to help by applying different things I’ve learned and experienced through the years.

“I’ve worked with people who are dealing with cancer treatment, and others who have chronic issues related to things like Crohn’s disease and IBS. If I can provide them with some relief and offer a few tips on how they can help themselves, then that leaves me with a pretty good feeling. I just get real satisfaction from helping people.”

(Note: Ralph Zamarron passed away on Jan. 27, 2021.)

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