She finds great value in her mother’s life lessons

Priscilia Polius at park

When she was 19, Priscilia Polius moved from Saint Lucia to Texas to babysit her sister’s child. She has been here ever since.

“My mom taught me the importance of saving money. She always said, you might not be able to put aside a lot, but just put something away for a rainy day. You never know when that rainy day will come.

“One time she needed some money and, of course, I sent it to her. I’ve sent her money off and on through the years. For the past three years, I send her money every month. And she really does appreciate it.

“My mom just turned 73. She’s OK, but she’s had a very rough life. So I feel like I need to do everything I can for her. One day, God will take her, and I don’t want to have any regrets. I don’t want to have to say, I could have, I should have.

“The last time I saw my mom was three years ago. She came to visit for about a month. Now I’m getting ready to go back home to surprise her. I’m going to be down there for two weeks. And on my way, I’m going to stop by a florist. I’m 48, so I’m going to get her 48 flowers. I’ll tell her it’s for the 48 years that she’s nurtured me. Because even me being up here, every time I call her she’ll say, ‘Baby, I’m praying for you.’ My mother is such a kind-hearted person. I really love her.”

— Priscilia Polius


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