Alter egos hit great heights on air guitar circuit

Brock McRock at air guitar competition“I was working at Best Buy, and we were doing an audit. It was my job to go through the DVD section to make sure everything was there. When I moved a shelf, I found a copy of ‘Air Guitar Nation.’ It wasn’t on our list, so my manager said I could just have it. I took it home and watched it, and it was a great documentary. But it got me thinking that I could probably do better than most of the people in that story. That’s what got me started in air guitar.

“This is my ninth year doing the competitions. I’ve been best in Texas six or seven times, and I’ve been to the national finals three times. I’ve performed as several different characters throughout my career. I started as Brock McRock. I’ve also been SlashSquatch, Thrustin Beaver, Anthony Scaramooch Scaramooch Will You Do the Fandango? and Matthew McConaugHeyHeyHey. Most recently, I was Dad Bod Jovi. I try to have fun with it. I’ve put together some pretty cool costumes. I make them out of whatever I can find at Goodwill or on the cheap. I use a lot of hot glue, velcro, papier-mache and stuff like that. I probably have five or six different Brock suits that I’ve made over the years.

“It’s funny. Not that many people know my real name. They know me mostly as Brock McRock. When I was getting married, even my mother-in-law thought that was my name. She asked my wife, ‘Are you ready to be Aimey McRock?’ And my wife said, ‘What are you talking about?’ That’s how she found out. She was like, ‘Oh, that’s not his real name?’”

— Taylor Fullbright



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