At 43, he gives college education another shot

Sean Smith on Lee College campus

“I’m 43, and right now I serve and bartend. But I don’t want to be doing that when I’m 60-65. So I’ve got to do something to educate myself.

“After high school I went into the Navy for a little while. When I got out, I attempted to go to college. I only went a few weeks. My mind wasn’t all there. I didn’t want it. Now I want it. One of my motivations is making sure my mom’s taken care of in case something happens to my dad. He’s 80, so just health concerns.

“I’ve only been bartending for about a year, but I’ve been serving off and on for 15-20 years. Right now I’m going to school for a certificate in entrepreneurship. But I’m planning to change my major to business management. A long time ago I did have that dream of owning my own business. Who knows, it might still happen one day. But for now, I’m looking at moving up into management where I’m at.

Is college hard for someone your age?
“It’s easier for me this time because I really want it. And as long as you make a good attempt, the teachers will do everything in their power to make sure you pass. What I would tell others is don’t give up. Just keep trying. If I can do it after 20 years out of school, you can, too.”

— Sean Smith

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