No ordinary jobs for this go-go-go woman

Tammy James outside of restaurant“I’ve done a lot of different things in my life. I worked at a prison. I got an armed security license and worked in high-risk neighborhoods. I was a volunteer firefighter. I had a private investigator’s license. I’ve had bounty hunter credentials. I worked on a farm. I’ve worked in construction. I’ve worked in factories. I’m just not suited for office jobs, sitting in one place. I like things that are go-go-go. Back before they knew what to call it, I probably had ADHD or something. Back then it was called sit down and shut up. I guess it’s why I’ve never liked to sit still.

“I’d rather be doing almost anything than what I’m doing now, though, which is delivering food. That’s not on my list of things I wished I were doing. But I need to pay the rent so … No matter what my job has been, I’ve always tried to work hard and do it right. Years ago I worked at a Dollar General, and someone asked me, ‘Why do you hustle? It’s only for $5.35 an hour.’ But I was like, ‘Because it’s my job and I’m doing it.’ You know, do your job to the best of your ability. Nobody ever said, ‘unless it doesn’t pay well.’”

— Tammy James


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