Education is his ‘treasure’ and key to his future

Constantine sitting on Lee College campus

Constantine is studying process technology at Lee College.

“I’m from West Africa. I was born in Cameroon. I’m here for my education. Back in Africa, I always strived for a higher opportunity. I always seek to acquire knowledge and learn new things. Traveling is another way of learning. It’s a kind of adventure, getting to meet new people and learn a different culture. Education is my treasure, and I value it so much. It’s something that I can take with me everywhere.

“I have a sister and a brother. My mother is dead. But that’s in the past. I look forward to the future because there is nothing you can do about the past. I don’t think about any tough times. I don’t want to focus on something that will make me depressed. I just welcome every day as it comes. I live my life according to the three E’s: empathy, energy and enthusiasm. Overall, I just want to be happy. You need to enjoy this bright and beautiful day. Every second is a new adventure.”

— Constantine, 25

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