This young guy brings sunshine to his family

Lisa Cassell and her son Carlos

Carlos, 8, has Asperger’s syndrome. He has been living in Baytown for six months with his mother and sister. They came from Idaho temporarily to take care of relatives.

“I have older kids, and then I also raised my stepsons. I thought I was done. But when I remarried, I decided that, you know, time is closing so … And Carlos has really been a blessing to us. When he came along, I remember my oldest son telling me that he brought sunshine, he brought happiness to the family. Because I went through the divorce and everything, and it was hard on everybody.

“I mean, he’s been a handful and it’s been a challenge, especially when he was younger and we didn’t really know what was going on with him. His older brothers and sister always liked to pick and play. But they couldn’t do the same thing with him. They couldn’t wrestle around because he cannot handle being held down or wrestled with. He will panic if you give him a hug. It’s got to be him going to you. One of his brothers was especially pretty sad. He felt like, he’s my brother, and I can’t even wrestle around with him. He loves him dearly, but that was hard on him.

“It’s hard for Carlos because he doesn’t have friends to play with, especially now that we’re here in a different state. He’s out everywhere with me. I give him a chance to play with kids at the park. And he does talk to everybody; probably too much. When people are around him just long enough, they can kind of tell something is different about him. He uses big words. The way he sometimes explains things to people, they way he sees things, is so interesting. Everyday, he has something unique to tell us. We’re like, where did you learn that. He’s just a sweet little guy.”

— Lisa Cassell


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