Fisherman enjoys once-in-a-lifetime expedition

“When I was 25, I decided that I was going to take a year’s vacation and do nothing but fish. I was young, and I figured that was the best time to do it.
“I started off in Kentucky where my brother lived. He’s 10 years older than me, and he’s the one who instilled that love of fishing in me. Then I went up to Minnesota, and it was really nice up there in the northern parts.
“When I was deciding where to go next, I thought about how Lewis and Clark followed the Missouri River. So that’s what I did, all the way through Montana. I went from campground to campground for a whole year, and it was great.
“I ended up in Colorado at a friend’s house. I was in Aspen, which was beautiful, gorgeous, and I caught a bunch of lake trout there.
“It was such a great year. I was alone for the most part, but I didn’t mind. I’ve always been a little bit of a loner anyhow.
“I figured I caught 800 or 900 fish, and that’s what I ate. Oh, every once in a while I’d stop and get a burger or something. But I just love fish. What’s nice is, I don’t go to Kroger hardly ever for meat. I eat fish five or six days a week. I have a whole bunch of different ways to cook it, and I’ll fix sides to go with it. I just never get sick of it. And look at me. I’m 58 years old, and I feel great. I think eating fish has a lot to do with it.”
— Pete Horbovetz