‘Kindness of strangers really does go a long way’

Peggy Martin holds a painting of her favorite zoo animal.

“Sometimes on Facebook you get to be friends with people you’ve never met in person. Loving art, I met this lady from Tacoma, Washington, named Michelle Osborne.

“She would post pictures showing the progression of her paintings. As I sat up late nights not being able to sleep, I would take her pictures and blow them up. And I saw these faces kind of hidden in the background. I saw a face of a little boy in one. I saw faces of dogs and cats in another. The more I kept looking at her paintings, the more faces I would notice.

“When I commented to her about it, she didn’t even realize they were there. I said, ‘Well, maybe those are your spirits that guide you.’ 

“One day we went to the Houston Zoo, and I took some pictures of animals that I put on Facebook. Michelle saw them and asked what was my favorite animal there. I told her it was this orangutan named Rudy.

“I used to take my grandchildren to the zoo, and they loved interacting with him. He was very inquisitive. I have photos of my grandson showing him a book and my granddaughter kissing him through the glass.

“Michelle said she wanted to paint a picture of Rudy for me, and that’s just what she did. She mailed it to me, and I thought it was just the kindest gesture. For someone I’ve never met to take the time to do that out of the goodness of her heart is so sweet. It really meant a lot to me. No matter how big or how small, no act of kindness goes unnoticed. The kindness of strangers really does go a long way.”

— Peggy Martin


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