They’re weathering the storm of money challenges

Leslie Hebert and her son, Luke, enjoy an outing at the dog park.

“We’ve been staying with my mom and stepdad since January. But I’m looking for a new apartment. I’m saving up right now.

“I lived at my previous place for 16 years. When a new company bought them out, they raised my rent by $300. They didn’t give me much notice. So we had to move out.

“I had to get a cheaper car because I couldn’t afford those payments anymore. Also, he turned 18, so I’m no longer getting child support. That hurts because he’s a senior, and this is his most expensive year in school with things like cap and gown, pictures and graduation invitations.

“I’ve always been a single mom. I’ve never been married. I was lucky that I actually did get child support for most of his life.

“It’s tough right now. But we get by. I’m sure there are a whole lot of other people out there who are worse off than I am. I don’t make a ton at my job, so it’s been pretty challenging lately. But we’ve always made it. I think we’ve done pretty well, considering. We’re like a team. He’s my buddy.”

— Leslie Hebert (with son, Luke)

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