Kathleen Merritt: chooses joy despite tragedies

Kathleen Merritt (left), with her daughter, Lynsey.

Kathleen Merritt


How long have you lived in Baytown?
37 years

Most interesting fact about you
I have survived a lot of trials, tribulations and tragedies.

I was raised in Philadelphia. I moved here in 1982 with my family after our mother passed away. I found my true love, got married in 1984, and raised two great kids in the heart of Baytown. Now I have two grandkids. I have been loving Baytown a long time. I worked at Joey’s Glass for more then 16 years, and then I opened my own company here, Professional Auto Glass. It was one of my best achievements, besides my kids. Unfortunately, due to divorce, we had to close. I loved meeting people who came into our mom-and-pop shop. It was very fulfilling. I’m now working for a great company and living my best life.

I would love to write a book; I’ve written a few pages so far. I also try to live a positive life and share that with others.

Heartbreak is number one. Facing fear is number two.

Happiest or saddest moments
My happiest moment was giving birth to my kids. My saddest moments were losing my son at age 24 and losing my dad to murder in 1991. We moved here from Philly for peace; that wasn’t so for my dad. But I still love this state, so I choose joy.

Always wake up grateful. Smile and be kind to others. And listen to people when they talk.

Reading or watching
I love to read, especially mysterious stories, books that keep you in suspense. Same thing with shows, although I’m more of a patio girl and not too much of a TV girl.

Favorite things to do in Baytown
Go to El Toro on a Friday night. I also love the Town Square, new umbrella alley and all the art being painted in different places. Another great thing about Baytown is my church at Second Baytown.

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