Hectic schedule all part of realizing her dreams

“I’ve always had this interest in animals. You name it, I’ve probably had it: geese, turtles, chickens, dogs, fish, rats, hamsters … I’ve had it all. I’m really interested in wildlife, too. I love fishing and stuff like that. So I guess it makes sense that I chose to study biology. I haven’t decided specifically what I want to do yet. But I would like to work with marine life and also terrestrial animals.
“I guess I’m leaning toward becoming a veterinarian, and just see where that takes me. I realize I have a lot of schooling ahead of me. But you know what? In life, you sometimes have to go through a lot of things to get to where you want to be.
“My biggest challenge is probably trying to accomplish so much at one time. Right now, I’m working two jobs. I work at a grocery store and I coach a young dance team called the Prancing Starlets. I’m a full-time student. And during the summer, I’m taking extra classes.
“I have a very tight schedule. I come to school at 8. I leave around 1. I go to work at 2. I get off around 7. And I coach until 9. Then I go home and do all my homework. Depending on how I feel, I might stay up until 1 or 2 in the morning.
“It’s a lot. But on Thursdays and Fridays, I have time to rest. So that’s when I build up all my energy. Then I just do it all over again.”
— Jaya Leblanc