Singing helps her ‘scream out how I was feeling’

“As I dealt with being molested when I was very young and even more recently, I found solace in singing. I’m not the best singer in the world, but I love to sing.

“I was in theater class in school. One of the things my teacher said was to project your voice. So that was one way for me to scream out how I was feeling. All the pain, everything, just let it all out.

“And it helped. It still helps. I love going to karaoke. I love it when people clap and I see how they react to me. It helps a lot because I was very closed off for a long time. I was always dressed in black. I was always covered up. I didn’t want anyone to see me. I had the whole emo hair style thing going on, with only one eye showing. But after a while, when I began to realize how singing made me feel better about myself, I started pulling my hair back. I started wearing different clothing, different colors.

“Then, with the most recent thing that happened, I felt like I kind of got pulled back down. But I’m not going to let it defeat me again. I suffered through way too many years of that. It still bothers me. But it’s not going to be something that holds me back again.”

— Andrea Alvarado


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