Life coach draws on her own experiences

“Throughout my life, it seems like people have always been seeking my advice on how to handle certain situations. I’ve often wondered, why me? What is it that I provide that’s helpful? Maybe it stems from the fact that I’ve been through some hell, and I’ve persevered. Also, I tell the truth. I don’t hold back. I say, ‘I’m telling you this out of love. But know that you’ve got to do different if you want to make a change.’

“I have mentors, too, who help me figure out what I want in life. Really, that’s what life is all about. You have things you want to achieve, but you may not know how to make it happen.

“I’ve always been a person who lives by truth, no matter how ugly it is. I teach my children: you’re responsible for you. I am legally. But spiritually, you’re responsible to connect with who you are and know who you are, so that you can then impact others around you. Because we’re only here for a split second. My kids are fully aware that they’re going to die one day. That is the one thing everyone is promised. So what is it that you want to do before then? Who is it that you want to impact?

“I’ve started to do life coaching because I love helping people figure out who they are and where their next step is in life’s journey. When I sat in therapy and looked at the therapist, I was like, that’s the chair I want to be in. I want to help people understand why they think the way they do, why they’re in the situation they’re in, and help them move to their future selves. I think that’s my gift, and I enjoy sharing it.”

— Rebekah Mansker


Her childhood was ‘really, really hell’

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