Plan A: becoming an artist at Disney

“I’m a senior at Texas A&M, studying animation. That’s my stuff. I like drawing and writing. As a kid, you’re always doodling. For me, it never really stopped.

“I didn’t take it seriously until my freshman year in college. I wanted to be an astronaut. But when I figured out I was really bad at math, I decided I wanted to be a paleontologist. When I realized that needed a lot of math, too, I went with my passion instead.

“My be-all, end-all goal is Disney. I’d love to work for them as a storyboard artist. I just got rejected from an internship there, so that’s a little wavery. I made it to the phone interview. That’s the last step. That’s when I got cut. Disney is very particular with who they want. When I was on the phone with them, they were like, ‘You can’t have any unnatural hair color.’ I was like, OK, I’ll chop my hair off. Then it was, ‘You can’t have any ear piercings.’ I was like, all right, I’ll take off my earrings. Unfortunately, it just didn’t work out this time. The good thing is, I can apply again in January for a fall internship.

“I’ve got like a 10-year plan to get to Disney. It involves me being a teacher for five years. I’m going to get my master’s in education. I’m super excited about the opportunity. It’s a year-long program. As you’re working toward the degree, you’re also student teaching and being paid salary. If all else fails, I see myself being a teacher. I’m really passionate about reading, writing and literacy. I know a lot of people don’t like to write and have struggles with writing. So I feel like I could help with that.

“Overall, I’m going to follow whatever calling I’m led toward. I don’t think I’m ever going to give up art, even if I never end up making it to Disney. I think that’s the really cool thing about being an artist or a writer. You can do it no matter what.”

— Troy Breaux-Hare

You can find some of his art at ilios_art on Instagram.


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