Postal worker delivers for sad dog

Meet Annie, as in Little Orphan. The veterinarian suspects she’s a Lab mix.

“I work at the Baytown Post Office, and she was in a warehouse behind us. There were two of them, but the other dog died. It was real sad because this one cried for three days. 

“That’s when I started feeding her. At first she wouldn’t even come to me. But within a couple months all I had to do was walk outside, and she would go under the fence and come over to me.

“Then there was a real bad storm, and she stayed there through it all in a little dog house that a guy built for her. All weekend I worried about her, being out there all alone. So on Monday I was like, OK, you’re coming home with me.

“She’s been fantastic. She was timid at first, but now our house is her domain.”

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