Well-behaved children earn free desserts

“The other night we went to dinner at Floyd’s. When we walk into places, we tend to catch the eyes of others. It doesn’t bother me. I can imagine they are worried that all these kids will be disruptive.
“When we got seated, I looked around and noticed a woman sitting alone at the table across from us. I immediately thought, ‘Great, we are going to ruin her quiet dinner!’ I gave her a reassuring smile. And luckily, all the kids were their normal, mostly well-behaved selves.
“When the woman got up to leave, we made eye contact and I smiled again. I was so happy that she made it through her dinner without a child having a meltdown.
“A minute later, the hostess brought me this letter, and the waiter walked up with these desserts. I ran outside and caught the woman. We hugged and both cried. She told me how much of a blessing we were to her. It made me realize that just being in the presence of people is such a blessing.
“I’m so proud of my children and the way my husband and I have raised them. They aren’t always perfect, but they sure come freaking close.”
— Stephanie Jones