‘I like kids to actually be kids’

“Not married. I have one son. He’s 6. It’s great. It’s a life-changing experience.

“I’m trying not to force too much of the world on him right now. I don’t want him to be worried about all the stuff we have to worry about as adults. I like kids to actually be kids.

“There are a lot of kids having kids these days. Sometimes, I don’t think they get to live that kid life like I did. I grew up around a lot of older people. My great-aunt and my great-grandmother are the people who raised me. And I actually got to be a kid.

“I’ve always enjoyed being out in nature. So I’m trying to get my son away from electronics, and go outside to do things like ride bikes and horses, and to fish. I’ve been fishing since I was about 6. My great-aunt taught me, and it stuck. It’s kind of like my meditation. It’s a good way to relax, to get away from the world. Just you and the water. I’m hoping I can pass that along to my son.”

— Demond Carson

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