‘I feel like this time, it’s really forever’

“I was 18 at the time we met, and he was 28. So I didn’t really get to experience many things that other people experience before getting into a relationship. Like dating and just doing different things as a single person.

“I feel like I kind of grew up and matured as part of someone else and not as my own person. At some point I realized, I don’t really love myself. I needed to learn to do that. So after about 7 1/2 years together, we split.

“It wasn’t a bad breakup. It was somewhat of a mutual agreement. We still remained friends. So close to where I could call him if I was having a rough time with my new relationship. And vice versa, he could call me. It was always respectful. It was never ‘I miss you’s’ and all that.

“He ended up splitting with his partner. My split came a few months later. Then at some point it was like, ‘Do you ever miss us?’ And it was one of those ‘I never stopped thinking about you’ kind of things.

“So after a little over two years apart, we gave it another shot. I don’t want to say it’s perfect, because nobody’s perfect. But it’s been damn near perfect ever since. The most that we ever argue about is who cheated at the video game.

“If we ever have an instance where we don’t see eye to eye, we stop right then and there, and we talk about it. We take time to understand each other. I think our willingness to see the other person’s point of view and to compromise is something that all relationships should have.

“I’m very, very happy that we’re back together. I’m in a happy place right now. We’re aiming to get married next July. I feel like it’s a confirmation that this time, it’s really forever.”

— Chris Champion (with Timothy Agar)


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