He was prepared to take a bullet for woman

“I consider myself a ‘protect.’ It means that I’m someone who’s willing to protect other people. In a bad situation, if I have to, I’ll step in and take physical injuries or whatever to protect another person who’s important to me.

“One time, when I was living with this woman, someone decided to point a gun at her. They were perfectly good bullets. And the gun had a perfectly good firing pin. But when I put myself between the gun and her, it didn’t go off. The gun didn’t fire.

“It wasn’t a scary thing to me. It was just something I felt that I had to do. You don’t hit a woman. You don’t point a gun at a woman. You just don’t harm a woman. I’ve been doing things like that my whole life.”

Why weren’t you afraid?
“It’s called having balls. It’s called standing up for what you believe in.”

— John Brinkley

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