Movie lover inspired to make his own films

“I’ve always loved movies. Growing up, I had very emotional reactions to them. Sometimes I would break down in the theater because of the way a movie ended.
“Wonderful films like ‘Interstellar,’ ‘The Shape of Water’ and ‘Her’ really resonated with me. After watching them, I felt incredibly moved. I felt like I had changed in a certain way. Like I saw things differently. I saw myself differently.
“Movies like that inspired me to think about making my own. In high school, after I did all my work in class, I would get on my phone and start writing a script. It was really terrible, but at least I was exploring something that fascinated me.
“Now I’m part of a video production studio called Pink-Eye Pictures. The idea is to tell stories through films, music videos and other projects, highlighting the talents of creative people in our area.
“Our co-founder, Nathaniel Zapata, came up with the name. I really loved the way it sounded and what it meant to me. It’s similar to how when you get pink eye, you can infect other people. It’s sort of the same idea, but in a more positive way. Where you see our work, and then you’re inspired and motivated to tell your own stories.
“There are a lot of artistic people around here who can use their talents to explore the world. I think it would be great if we could come together and bring that sort of art here. It’s definitely my passion now.”
— Sergio Valverde