Britney Brown: first-time author hopes to inspire others

Britney Brown


How long have you lived in Baytown?
Eight months

Most interesting fact about you
I can remix any song on the spot.

I was born in Shreveport, Louisiana, but raised in so many different places. I used my history of moving from city to city and state to state to build relationships. My motto was if I only have a short time with these people, might as well make my connection now. I have used that to help me in many areas of my life, including getting my degree in social work at Prairie View A&M University.

My goal is to provide a life for my family. I want to live life and have it abundantly. I want to be surrounded by people who love me and my family. I want to have the hope that we can do all things and to inspire people in our lives to be better. I have written my first book, “My Friend Icky,” for my daughter to have a book where she sees herself. I hope that it creates financial stability for my family and encouragement for others to also step out and do things that haven’t been done in their lives.

My biggest challenge to this day has been losing my mother while in my last semester of college. Since I was a little girl, it had always been me and my mom. When she died, a part of me died with her. I almost didn’t graduate due to the debilitating heartbreak of her loss. But I did it to make her proud. Since her passing, I have struggled with depression and feelings of loneliness. I have also learned that because of her passing, I have become a stronger person. I have surrounded myself with love, and I have been supported. Losing her broke my heart, and I still miss her. But I know that it was all a part of God’s plan.

Happiest or saddest moment
My happiest moment would have to be the day I met my daughter. Seeing her, I knew I was deserving of love again. I didn’t believe that she would really come into the world because I was so jaded by the loss of my mom. I didn’t know if I could love another person as fully as I loved my mom. But when I saw Zoe, I saw my future in her eyes, and it brought me happiness.

Even when you think you can’t do it, try anyway. Wouldn’t you like to be wrong if it will benefit you?

Currently reading or watching
I have no time for watching TV. I am preparing for my teacher certification exam. I want to begin a new chapter.

Favorite thing to do in Baytown
I love Bayou City Wings. I go there often. And I love going down Garth Road, and just shopping at all my favorite stores.

Follow Britney on Instagram @britallover.

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