Cancer survivor tolerates life with feeding tube

“I had a lump pop up on my throat. Wasn’t sure what it was. Didn’t think it was cancer. Being a Christian, I really wasn’t that worried. My wife told me, ‘Let’s go to MD Anderson.’

“They checked it out and said it was squamous cell carcinoma. They found it on my left tonsil. So they removed it and then did radiation treatments. I also had some lymph nodes taken out.

“Atfterwards, I was able to start eating again, but I was having difficulty. About 10 years ago is when I really began having problems. I had trouble swallowing. I went through a treatment, trying to build up the muscles in my throat. I tried to start eating again, but ended up in the hospital for six weeks with pneumonia. My throat shut down. The flapper quit working.

“That’s when I had to get the feeding tube. I can’t eat or drink like other people. I get all my nutrition through this tube. I’m on a formula. I don’t like it, but I don’t have much choice. Every once in a while, I’ll shoot liquor into it. I’ll do a couple shots. Not enough to really make me feel anything. Just for the hell of it.

“When I get around people, and all they talk about is food, it kind of pisses me off. I can’t enjoy food like they do, and like I used to before all this. It’s definitely changed my whole life. I just deal with it the best I can. I tolerate it. That’s all I can do.”

— Rick Sanchez

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1 Response

  1. Em says:

    I don’t think anyone understands how big a part, food plays at every social event, unless they can’t eat.
    It’s ok to be pissed off.
    Just don’t stay pissed off.
    That’s what I tell myself.

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