Trinidad native excited to explore his new home

Obed Chattergoon stands on Lee College campus

On a road trip from Florida to Texas, Obed Chattergoon learned about the expanse of the United States.

“When my dad and I were moving from Florida to Texas, I was driving and he slept a lot of the time. He kept telling me to stop, to get some rest. But the thing is, I couldn’t sleep in the truck because my seat couldn’t go back. So I drove nonstop except to get gas. That was 14 hours.

“While I was driving, I kept looking at the signs and how many miles it took to get from one city to another. Like from Jacksonville to Tallahassee, it was about 160 miles. And from Tallahassee to Pensacola, it was another 200 miles. I kept thinking, this place is so large. It’s nothing like where we’re from in Trinidad, which is a small island. In two hours, you could get from one end of our country to the other.

“That was how life was before I moved here. It wasn’t that big. Until I made that drive and saw the miles on those road signs, I never really understood the full scale of how big this country is. Now I want to do more road trips. I want to see things and do things. I want to explore this country and everything it offers.”

— Obed Chattergoon


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