Teacher learns lesson from integration experience

Stella Bird Radle stands in front of her home

For many years, Stella Bird Radle taught young children with learning disabilities.

“When I retired in 2001, I had taught school for 33 years. My very first year was the start of integration. They moved white teachers into Carver Elementary School, which had all black students at the time. I was young and confident, and I thought I knew everything. But when I got into the classroom, I realized I still had a lot to learn. You had to get in there and really experience it before you could become a good teacher.

“I just loved what I did. The little kids would come into the classroom and love on you. They would always say, ‘Ooh, Ms. Radle, you smell so good.’ It was so sweet.

“It was a very interesting year for all of us. We did a lot of innovative things to help the kids. Seeing their growth throughout the year was really neat. I think we all learned and grew together.”

— Stella Bird Radle

(Note: Stella passed away on April 4, 2024.)


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