Despite living in poverty, she loved her childhood

Claudette Barnett wearing her hospital volunteer jacket

Claudette Barnett, a volunteer at Houston Methodist San Jacinto Hospital, was the only member of her family to attend college.

“There were nine of us children growing up, and we lived in poverty. In our community (Liberty, Texas), families were very close-knit. When one had an abundance of food, they shared it with everybody else. We were on the receiving end a lot. It was tough, but it was a loving childhood. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

“I was the second oldest. My mother worked a lot, so she left the oldest ones to look after the younger ones. When my older sister moved away to California, I was kind of the mother figure for the rest of them.

“Even today, most of them still call me when they’re having problems or if they need advice about something. We still have that bond. I love it. If they didn’t call, I’d wonder why.”

— Claudette Barnett


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