Police reacting effectively to stress is key

Dorion Nora at a park

Serving in the Army National Guard, Dorion Nora knows what it’s like to be placed in stressful situations.

“I’ve never been arrested, but I was put in cuffs one time. I was by myself at a park that was closed, and I was just sitting in my car. I didn’t feel like I was being profiled, but the cops must have figured I was up to something. They must have thought I was waiting on something.

“It was scary for me because I didn’t know what was going to happen. They let me go. I didn’t get a ticket, a warning or anything. I just stayed honest and they let me go. I know that when you’re dealing with someone in a position of authority, you should follow their instructions and you’ll be all right. For the most part.

“I’ll be honest, what’s been on my mind a lot lately is what’s going on with unarmed civilians being killed and stuff like that. I’ve been watching it real close and trying to be careful myself. I know this doesn’t apply to all cops, but I think there needs to be some changes. It’s a multitude of things: better training, better psychiatric evaluations and background checks, and just a higher level of accountability.

“Serving in the military, I know what it’s like when you’re placed under stress. The ones who can’t cut the training are going to break. The ones who can cut it are going to make it through. To react to something on impulse just because you’re afraid, that’s not how soldiers are trained. Even when we’re afraid, we still have to do what we’re supposed to do.

“The way we train in the military is through repetition. You drill it into your brain. You develop muscle memory. That way, you react the way you’re supposed to and you do the job right. So even if you’re scared, you still know what to do.

“I realize cops get afraid and I know soldiers get afraid all the time. But the key is being able to do your job under that stress and do it effectively. That’s what needs to happen.”

— Dorion Nora


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