It’s no baseball team, but three boys keep them busy

“My husband thought he wanted us to have a baseball team until the twins came along. I guess reality hits at how challenging that can be sometimes. But then he was so happy when we found out that we were having one more.

“Before all of this, I had a miscarriage. Then they told me I was miscarrying again. They said, ‘You’re about to lose this pregnancy, too.’ So we waited and waited, but nothing happened. I had an ultrasound to see what was going on, and there were twins in there and they were perfectly healthy. I just couldn’t believe it. I was in shock to go from thinking something’s probably wrong to learning it was twins.

“I had wanted another one, and he came right before the twins started kindergarten. They’re typical boys. They’re really adventurous. But they love having a little brother. They’re so sweet with him. They’re always telling him he’s so cute. They even tell him not to grow up anymore. It’s so funny.”

— Christy Eaton

Christy Eaton and her son at the park

Christy Eaton hangs out at the park with 1-year-old son, Ben. She also has twin boys at home.

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