Social worker provides ‘safe space’ for teen girls

Rachel Barajas Flinn sits outside library

Rachel Barajas Flinn is a social worker who works with young people.

“Something that we’re facing a lot is dating violence or unhealthy relationships. Some of the girls aren’t necessarily being physically abused, but there’s a lot of emotional abuse. Their boyfriends are talking ugly to them or being very controlling, like constantly checking their phone or not letting them do this or that.

“Many of these girls are being told by others, well, just leave. But it’s not that simple, especially when some of them have children. It’s much more complicated for a 17- or 18-year-old who has a 1-year-old child to just pick up and leave.

“So I provide a safe space, what’s called holding space, to mostly just be with the students and listen, ask questions and kind of guide them in finding the right answers.

“So often, people in their lives are telling them what to do. But it’s hard to figure out what you really want to do and should do when you never have the space to process it and figure it out on your own.

“That’s one of the most important things for anyone looking for change, whether leaving a bad relationship or even when it comes to drug addiction or alcohol addiction. You have to want that change for yourself. It has to come from within you, not from somebody telling you what to do, how to do it or where to go.

“Whenever you finally do see those kids who have gone on to be successful and they come back and tell you, I have my life together and I’m moving forward, it is a bright, shining moment. You have to really hold onto that, because not every kid gets to that point.”

— Rachel Barajas Flinn


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