He’s no fan of the business side of art

Tattoos on a hand“I come from a graffiti background, but I don’t do much of that anymore. I started my own graphics company. I design logos, album and mix tape covers, custom decals, stickers and other stuff. I enjoy taking an idea, making it visual, then manifesting that into a physical element.

“I’m an artist naturally. My mom said I started drawing before I could talk. But business isn’t something that comes naturally to me. ” When you feel like someone is trying to reach into your pocket, it’s kind of hard to get a real connection with that person.

“With most of my art, I usually do the first one free. Some people try to take advantage of that, but it helps me realize their intentions.

“I’ve been very blessed lately. I’ve reached out and started working with some pretty awesome musicians and artists. I get to do a lot of really cool art for people who inspire me, so I’m definitely excited.

“Of course, you need to make some money to keep going, but that’s never been what drives me. My focus is the work. Art is my heart.”

He also makes music under the name Rachet Racket. You can follow him on Twitter @NitEWriterS23.


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