Severe hearing loss hasn’t stopped her yet

Jazmin Garcia at high school graduation

With her high school diploma, Jazmin Garcia is taking on college.

“When Jazmin was old enough to start talking but she wasn’t, we thought she was delayed. Finally, we took her to get tested and she had some hearing loss. Then it quickly progressed.

“From age 2 to 3, she went from a slight hearing loss to moderate hearing loss to severe hearing loss. After that, she was in the school system’s deaf education program.

“She can’t talk, but she communicates fine. We use sign language a lot and she has a Cochlear implant, which helps. She has always participated in different activities, like T-ball and soccer, and she played on the softball team at Lee High School.

“Now she’s going to Lee College, trying to take her basics. School has sometimes been a struggle. Being deaf hasn’t been easy. Fortunately, Lee College has been very supportive. She has an interpreter who goes with her to all her classes and the counselors are there for her just about any time she needs something.

“We’re not sure what the future holds, but we have never let her hearing loss prohibit her from doing whatever she wants to do. So, we’re always hopeful.”

— Jesse Garcia


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