High school sweethearts still going strong

Jesse Garcia with his wife

Jesse Garcia, with his wife, Elizabeth

“We met at a summer job and started dating. Then one thing led to another. I was a senior in high school and she was a junior. It was scary to be a parent at that age. First, you had to tell your parents.”

How did that go?
“Not too good. It was pretty rough. Honestly, though, it was kind of a reality check for me. I became determined that I had to do something. I wasn’t a bad kid, but I didn’t really have direction. That gave me some direction.

“As soon as I graduated I went to work and started going to college at night. I earned my certificate and was blessed enough to end up with a good job at Oxy Vinyls in Deer Park at 20 years old. I’ve been there ever since.

“We got married the same year our daughter was born. So my wife was married and a senior in high school. We were 18 and 17, and we were living in our own apartment. You can imagine what that was like. So we kind of grew up together, and here we are still together.”

— Jesse Garcia


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