He’s happy to let his drums do the talking

Matthew Elias with his friends at the park

Matthew Elias (seated) sets up for an audio-video class project with Blake Wilkinson and Noell Greene.

“I’ve been playing drums for about 10 years, and I plan on going to music school. I’m applying to Musicians Institute in California. I want to get my bachelor’s in music performance. With that, I’ll basically be a professional musician, and then I can be hired to do studio sessions and other kinds of things.”

What about music inspires you?
“It’s really just the sound. The sounds that I can make with the drums. I was never really a good speaker in front of people, and I don’t really have a loud voice. I’m always having to speak up. So with the drums, I feel like it’s my voice. That’s my thing. That’s how I really communicate.”

— Matthew Elias

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