Dad says they get their smarts from their grandpa

Brothers Landon and Ayden Curry at the playground

Landon and Ayden Curry hang out at the playground.

Dad: “They’re full of energy. Very smart and athletic. Good kids.”

Where do they get their smarts?
“Not from me. It’s got to be from her side of the family. They’re both very mechanically inclined. You give them Legos, puzzles, whatever, and they put them together pretty easily. They probably get that from their grandpa.”

Mom: “My father is a manufacturing manager for dehumidification systems. He makes air conditioners and dehumidifiers.”

Dad: “He’s a brilliant guy. I can do a lot of things, but not quite like him. He’s kind of a jack of all trades. Self-taught a lot. They hang out with him all the time, so I guess they just pick it up naturally.”

— Proud parents

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