School assignment led to career as truck driver

Randy Evans on his motorcycle

Randy Evans hasn’t worked since 2013 because of an injury.

“I never was much of a reader in school. I probably needed glasses back then, which may have had something to do with it. Anyway, we were required in junior high to go to the library and pick out a book to read. So I found one about the old Ford Model A era, and it talked about trucks and truck drivers. For some reason, that hit a chord with me. Then, when the chance came along, that’s what I did. I started driving trucks in 1968 and kept doing it until 2013.”

What was the best part about truck driving?
“You’re in the truck by yourself. You know what you have to do. Since I’m a self-motivated type of person, it was perfect for me. Plus, you get to see the country. What more could you want? I loved what I was doing and I was getting paid for it.”

— Randy Evans


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